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A DUI arrest in Gilbert will bring you in contact with two branches of government:

  • The Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) issues and revokes driver’s licenses. It may suspend your driving privileges.
  • Criminal courts will seek to hold you accountable for the crime of driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol if you are found guilty.

For best results in either area of the law, you should act quickly to defend your rights and your future. Call us today at 480-248-7666 for a free consultation.

How We Can Help

An experienced DUI defense attorney can help protect your driving privileges by requesting a license suspension hearing within 30 days. Our Scottsdale-based DUI defense law firm represents clients at these hearings. We must come onboard in time to contact the MVD before the window of opportunity closes and your license is automatically suspended or revoked.

On the criminal side of things, your DUI defense attorney will begin a detailed investigation aimed at protecting your constitutional rights and positioning you for the least punitive outcome such as:

  • Case dismissal
  • Reduction of charges
  • Reduction of jail time

Contact a Gilbert DWI license suspension attorney.

Rosenstein Law Group has years of experience representing drivers in Gilbert and other communities in the Phoenix area. At your Gilbert DUI license suspension hearing, attorneys from Rosenstein Law Group will seek to protect your driving privileges as the first phase of our representation of you after a drunk driving arrest. We advocate on behalf of allegedly impaired drivers in all area courts and before the MVD.

Free Consultation — Get Legal Help Today

Call 480-248-7666 or e-mail us to discuss your case with an Arizona DUI lawyer.


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