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A DUI is not a rite of passage or a minor traffic offense. It is a criminal case with substantial punishments and penalties. If you are facing a DUI, you should contact the experienced lawyers at the Rosenstein Law Group by calling 480-248-7666 or contacting us online for a free consultation.

The punishments and consequences for a DUI, even a first offense, can include:

  • Loss of driving privileges
  • Substantial jail time
  • Expensive fines and fees
  • Increased insurance rates
  • A permanent criminal conviction
  • Difficulties with licensing, loans, housing, and school

You should not face these alone. Call the Rosenstein Law Group today for your free consultation at 480-248-7666 or contact us online.

Effects of a First-Offense DUI in Glendale City Court

The lawyers at the Rosenstein Law Group understand the effects that a first-offense DUI can have on your life and will work hard to represent you by:

  • Tailoring a smart, aggressive, and effective defense to your case’s needs
  • Working to try and save your driving privileges, if possible
  • Getting a dismissal or reduced charges

Glendale First-Offense DUI Attorney Free Consultations

When you are facing serious consequences, you should be informed. Contact the Rosenstein Law Group by calling 480-248-7666 or contacting us online and set up your free consultation. We will explain your options and defenses to you and work on getting you the best possible result in your first-offense DUI out of the Glendale City Court.


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