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Even if you have a prescription, taking your drugs can lead to a DUI charge against you in the Glendale City Court. These DUI’s may be charged in two ways:

  • Driving your car while having a controlled substance, like a painkiller, anxiolytic, or antidepressant in your system. It is a defense to this charge to have a prescription, but you can be charged for
  • Driving your car and being impaired to the slightest degree by the presence of any controlled substance or its metabolite in your system

Prescription Drug DUI Lawyer in Glendale City Court

The attorneys at the Rosenstein Law Group know how to help you fight your Prescription Drug DUI case in the Glendale City Court. They will work with you to find an individualized and comprehensive plan for your case and help you get the best possible result.

Free Consultations for Prescription Drug DUIs

The Rosenstein Law Group offers free consultations for those charged with Prescription Drug DUI cases in the Glendale City Court. We can tell you what your best options and defenses are to get the best possible result in your case. Call today at 480-248-7666 or contact us online.


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