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The consequences and penalties for a “regular” DUI in Arizona are already incredibly strict. In addition to the “basic” DUI penalties, you could be facing intensified consequences for a BAC of .15 or higher, known as an “Extreme DUI”. However, it may be possible to fight the BAC record to get your charges reduced, or even dismissed. With an Extreme DUI arrest, you will need a dependable lawyer who can analyze the evidence, and help you avoid the worst consequences.

What is an Extreme DUI?

In Arizona, the law defines an “extreme DUI” as a BAC of .15 to .199, roughly twice the legal limit of a .08 BAC. The State assumes that drivers with this high of a BAC pose an immediate threat to the public’s safety, which is why the consequences are so much more extreme than a regular DUI. For a first offense, consequences include:

  • 30 to 90 days in jail
  • Fines, fees, and jail costs.
  • Up to five years of probation.
  • Vehicle impounded for 30 days
  • Suspension of license for 90 days to 1 year
  • Ignition interlock in your vehicle for 1 year after the reinstatement of your license.

A second extreme DUI offense can carry a 120 to 180 day jail sentence, license revocation for 1 year with no opportunity for a work permit, and even possible vehicle forfeiture.

Aggressive Strategies for Extreme DUI Defense

Attorney Craig Rosenstein employs a full case strategy to confront a prosecution’s evidence. If your BAC was measured at .15 or higher, we can attack that issue specifically, including: contesting the accuracy of the Breathalyzer itself, ensuring the appropriate chain of custody was followed, that the test and sample were drawn and analyzed correctly, how much time lapsed, and even the methodology used to test your blood. We will also review the arrest itself, to ensure the officer acted appropriately and had good reason to pull you over in the first place, and we ensure your rights were observed over the course of the arrest and testing.

Contact us immediately for your free initial consultation.

There are many things to do if there is any hope of beating an Extreme DUI,  or, at least getting the charges reduced to those of a “regular” DUI. Time is a valuable factor, so call day or night, seven days a week, at 480-248-7666 to ensure an effective defense in a timely manner.  You can also send us a message for a free consultation – don’t wait and let us help you today.