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Most people who are arrested for drunk driving in Paradise Valley understand the risk of license suspension. Many of them are not aware, however, that the issue is taken up by the Arizona Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) in an independent proceeding that is separate from the criminal case. This is commonly referred to as the MVD hearing.

Under Arizona law, people who have been arrested on suspicion of DUI face an automatic 90-day suspension of their driver’s licenses. According to Arizona’s 30-day rule, they only have 30 days from the date of their arrests to request an MVD hearing to challenge the suspension. If they miss the deadline, the suspension will immediately go into effect.

Strong Representation In Arizona MVD Hearings

If you have been arrested for any type of DUI offense in Paradise Valley or anywhere in Arizona, choosing the right defense lawyer can take you a long way toward avoiding the potential for lost driving privileges and a conviction on your record. At Rosenstein Law Group, our Scottsdale DUI defense attorneys represent clients in all aspects of their DUI cases.

If you live in Paradise Valley, you know how hard it can be to get around the region without a car. A loss of driving privileges could mean losing your job, which is why it is so important to hire an attorney with experience getting results in these cases. We have helped many clients get through their MVD hearings with at least limited driving privileges, allowing them to keep driving to work. In other cases, our findings in MVD hearings have led to criminal charges being completely dismissed.

Call Rosenstein Law Group Today For Help

With Craig Rosenstein on your side, you will work with one attorney who can handle all aspects of your DUI arrest, helping you seek the best outcome with regard to the possibility of curtailed driving privileges and criminal proceedings. To schedule a free consultation, call 480-248-7666 or send us an email.