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Challenging the procedures used by Paradise Valley police officers during field sobriety testing is an important part of your DUI case. At the Rosenstein Law Group, we challenge not only how the police conducted their exams, but also why they pulled you over in the first place.

BAC Testing in Arizona — Challenging Your Test Results

As a Paradise Valley sobriety test lawyer, Craig Rosenstein makes the police and the prosecutor justify your DUI arrest and the roadside tests that were used to determine your blood alcohol content (BAC).

Call our Arizona DUI law firm at 480-248-7666 for a free consultation regarding your case.

Do Not Incriminate Yourself — We Can Help

You have the right to politely refuse to perform a field sobriety test and request to speak to an attorney. Be aware, however, that the same rule does not apply to blood alcohol testing. If you refuse certain types of breath tests or blood tests, your license can be immediately suspended. We can help explain your rights regarding many tests, including:

  • Breathalyzer tests
  • Walk-the-line exams
  • Standing on one leg
  • Counting tests
  • Alphabet tests
  • Finger to nose tests
  • Pen gazing
  • Blood draws

Even if you agreed to take a field sobriety test, an experienced Scottsdale DUI lawyer can still help you. We will pursue all of the defenses you may have and point out all of the surrounding circumstances that could have affected your test results. These circumstances could consist of bad weather, nervousness or medical conditions. No matter what happened during your field sobriety testing, we will fight for you in court.

Contact a Drunk Driving Attorney

If you have been arrested for DUI in Arizona, it is important to contact a Paradise Valley sobriety test attorney as soon as possible. There are many defenses that can be raised to counter your charges but timing is critical. We are available at our law firm day or night for a free initial consultation.


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