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If you have been arrested in Paradise Valley, Arizona, for driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI), it is important to speak with an Arizona criminal defense lawyer before answering any questions a police officer or prosecutor may ask you.

Talk to an attorney at the Rosenstein Law Group to learn how we can help you reduce or even eliminate your charges. Call us at 480-248-7666 for a free case evaluation.

DUI Defense in Paradise Valley

After a police officer accuses you of driving drunk or driving while using drugs, the DUI process begins. This is a two-sided process consisting of Municipal Court and the Arizona Motor Vehicle Division (MVD). You need an experienced Paradise Valley DUI attorney in your corner to protect your rights and guide you down the right path.

Representing You Throughout Your DUI Criminal Proceedings

After being arrested in Paradise Valley, you will be assigned an initial court date, called an arraignment. This will be held in the Paradise Valley Municipal Court. The prosecution will present evidence regarding blood tests, Breathalyzer tests and field sobriety tests. At the Rosenstein Law Group, we are knowledgeable of how to defend our DUI clients in the courtroom. We will challenge why the police officer pulled you over, the results of your blood tests and any other tests that were conducted.

We strive to minimize the consequences of your arrest by either reaching a favorable plea bargain or fighting for your rights at trial.

Getting You Back on the Road

The Arizona Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) will attempt to pursue the suspension of your driver’s license. You have a specific amount of time to challenge the suspension and request an MVD hearing. Our Paradise Valley DUI lawyers will fight to have your license reinstated or have your suspension mitigated. We can even work toward getting you the ability to have a work permit or license to drive to school and doctors’ appointments.

Contact a Paradise Valley Drunk Driving Attorney

If you have been arrested, each day that passes reduces the opportunities to fight back and makes it harder to keep your driver’s license. Contact a Paradise Valley DUI attorney at our law firm day or night for a free initial consultation.