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Arizona DUI laws are very strict, and very specific. They state that you can be convicted of a DUI if you are “impaired to the slightest degree”. Paradise Valley is bound to the same laws as the rest of the county and state. It’s very important to know that drinking is not necessarily a prerequisite for a DUI; the statutes are in effect if the police allege that drugs (including those prescribed by a doctor) have impaired your ability to safely and responsibly control a motor vehicle.

Obviously, you can be charged with driving under the influence with any controlled substances in your system, including but not limited to marijuana, ecstasy, or cocaine. Even prescribed medication can be grounds to charge you with a DUI/DWI. Alcohol may have a legal limit, but drugs do not, and any amount present in your bloodstream could potentially be grounds for conviction. Marijuana and other drugs are capable of staying in your bloodstream for weeks, so you may face conviction even if you haven’t consumed anything that day.

Attorney Craig Rosenstein provides aggressive strategies for a DUI drug defense. When his cases go to trial (and they often do), he aggressively challenges shaky evidence and protects his client’s rights in the courtroom. Drug-related DUI charges are often based on unfounded conclusions from field sobriety tests, and any other observations the arresting officer may have made. However, it’s impossible for that officer to know how the drugs effect you or your ability to drive, as everyone’s body will react to everything differently. There are many other possible reasons for a less-than-perfect field sobriety test other than drugs. We utilize a team of expert private criminologists to review the chain of custody of evidence, and even analyze the results of the blood work to determine if false positives are at play.

For proven defense when drugs and DUI are a concern, contact the Rosenstein Law Group. We offer a free case evaluation, where we discuss the facts and your best options for avoiding an adverse scenario.