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Chemical testing likely played a significant role in the charges you are facing for drunk driving or drug possession. Why not choose a defense attorney who not only understands the test results but is also certified on the machine and in forensic interpretation? Who better to challenge the accuracy of protocol and results?

Rosenstein Law Group in Scottsdale, Arizona, is the firm to call when you have been arrested and are facing drug or alcohol charges.

Call us at (480) 248-7666 for a free initial consultation with a legal team armed with solid defense strategies and a strong record of success.

Field Sobriety Testing vs. PBT

If a police officer, sheriff or reservation officer pulls you over for driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol, one of their first steps will likely be to put you through a series of field sobriety tests. A PBT (preliminary breath test) is often an officer’s back up. Many different tricks are utilized in order to get driver to blow into this machine. Often, officers will say “Just blow into this so we can get you on your way” or “This test is inadmissible in court, so it can’t be used against you.” This half-truth is a deceptive trick. It is true that PBTs are so unreliable that they are precluded from being told to the jury, but are admissible to the judge for probable cause arguments. These are used to confirm suspicions of DUI but are not accurate diagnostic tools. Further, drivers may refuse to comply with the tests. Knowing your rights means knowing which tests you do and do not have to take.

When authorities evaluate drug or alcohol levels, they rely on diagnostic tools that assess breath, blood and urine. You are required to submit to chemical testing if asked by an officer. If you refuse, a warrant will be issued for your arrest and you will lose your driver’s license.

Blood and Breath

Certified in chemical testing and field sobriety tests, attorney Craig Rosenstein understands the protocol and potential pitfalls of these analysis methods. With his breathalyzer training for the Intoxilyzer 8000 and certification for blood and urine forensics, he knows how the tests should be conducted and how to interpret the results. He also knows how to challenge the data since it does not take into account:

  • Drinking pattern, if any
  • Health conditions such as GERD or diabetes
  • Foods consumed
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Prescription medication interactions
  • Sample contamination
  • Many other variables

If you do not have a lawyer who understands the scientific component of chemical testing and how biological factors contribute to the results, your defense will lack essential information. Further, if your attorney does not understand how tests are administered, the operational checklist and the opportunities for contamination or error, your defense will not be as strong as it could be.

Contact Us Today

Call our firm to meet with a forensically trained attorney. One who can make sure testing procedures are followed to a fault and that test administrators are fully trained and certified. Whether you used alcohol or recreational drugs or if you simply followed doctor’s orders and took a prescription medication, we are ready to represent you. Contact us for a free consultation. We are available 24 hours a day, every day.


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