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Arizona law is clear with regard to people driving while impaired due to any cause. While most people think of impaired driving as driving under the influence of alcohol, impairment by drugs – both illegal controlled substances and prescription medications – is also prohibited under the law. Even excessive drowsiness as a side-effect of a new prescription can be enough to get you arrested for impaired driving. If you or a loved one was charged with a drug DUI in Arizona, speak with an experienced Scottsdale drug DUI attorney as soon as possible.

What Constitutes Drug DUI in Arizona?

Unlike impairment by alcohol where your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) can be measured by a machine or chemical test, impairment by drugs is determined solely based on the presence of a drug in your system. Arizona law assumes that you are impaired if you test positive for any drug mentioned in Arizona Revised Statute 13-3401. Even if it has been several weeks since you took the drug, the law considers you to be impaired and you will suffer the full weight of the Arizona drunk driving statute. To learn more about what constitutes drug DUI under Arizona law, reach out to a knowledgeable DUI lawyer in Scottsdale.

Dedicated Drug DUI Defense in Scottsdale, AZ

At the Rosenstein Law Group, our local Scottsdale drug DUI attorneys provide aggressive, proactive defense representation to clients who are accused of offenses involving a DUI with drugs such as prescription medications and cocaine, among others. In order for the prosecution’s case to be successful, it must be shown that the presence of the drug in your system impaired your ability to drive “to the slightest degree.” We are highly skilled at dismantling the prosecution’s assertions and using the weaknesses in its case to present a more compelling defense.

We often take these cases to trial, challenging shaky evidence and violations of our clients’ rights. A drug-related DUI charge is often based on unsupportable conclusions from field sobriety tests and other observations of the arresting officer. That officer doesn’t know you or your physical limitations. There can be explanations other than drugs for your performance on roadside tests. We use a team of experts including private criminologists to address blood test results and chain of custody issues.

Free Consultation With a Top-Rated Scottsdale Drug DUI Lawyer

Contact Rosenstein Law Group immediately at (480) 248-7666 if you have been arrested for a drug-related DUI. We have a successful record of beating the charges or minimizing the consequences. Our firm serves Phoenix, Scottsdale, Mesa, and all communities of Maricopa, Pima, and Pinal counties.


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