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DUI arrests have increased in El Mirage in recent years due to an increased focus on enforcement. Beyond its typical daily patrols, the El Mirage Police Department participates in the West Valley DUI Task Force during major holidays and events in addition to typical daily patrols. Between the El Mirage Police Department and the Arizona Department of Public Safety hundreds of DUI arrests are made each year in El Mirage.

El Mirage DUI Arrests

If you have been charged with a DUI, you are likely wondering what sort of consequences you will face. A first-time misdemeanor DUI may lead to consequences including jail, probation, fines and fees, alcohol treatment classes, driver’s license suspension, an ignition interlock device on your car and higher insurance rates. A DUI conviction also creates a permanent criminal conviction on your record, which may lead to issues obtaining or maintaining employment, housing, professional licenses and a fingerprint clearance card.

el mirage police department DUI arrests by year

There are a few different categories of DUIs in Arizona, so the punishment will depend on if you are facing:

For misdemeanor alcohol related DUIs, a person’s BAC will determine the level of DUI that they are charged with. You can also be charged with a DUI for having a drug or its metabolite in your system; this includes prescription medications. Below we will explore the penalties for the most common types of DUI offenses in El Mirage. The offenses listed below are all misdemeanor crimes. For information on felony DUIs in El Mirage, visit our “Felony DUI (Aggravated DUI) — El Mirage” page.

Regular El Mirage DUI Penalties

You can be charged with “regular DUI” in El Mirage if you are driving or in actual physical control of a vehicle while impaired by alcohol to the slightest degree or if you have a BAC at or above .08 but below .15. Notice that a regular DUI does not necessarily require a BAC at or above a .08, you can be charged with regular DUI even if your BAC is below .08 if you are impaired to the slightest degree. The penalties for a regular DUI include:

  • 10 to 180 days of jail
  • 90-day driver’s license suspension
  • Up to 5 years of probation
  • Substantial fines and fees
  • Ignition interlock device requirement
  • Alcohol treatment classes
  • Permanent criminal record
  • Increased insurance rates
  • 8 points on your motor vehicle record
  • Traffic Survival School

El Mirage Drug DUI Penalties

A person can be charged with a drug DUI if they are driving or in actual physical control of a vehicle while they have any drug or its metabolite in their system. A person can also be charged with a drug DUI if they are impaired to the slightest degree by any drug or its metabolite. This includes prescription drugs. The penalties for a drug DUI include:

  • 10 to 180 days of jail
  • 90-day driver’s license suspension
  • Up to 5 years of probation
  • Substantial fines and fees
  • Substance abuse treatment classes
  • Permanent criminal record
  • Increased insurance rates
  • 8 points on your motor vehicle record
  • Traffic Survival School

El Mirage Extreme DUI Penalties

You can be charged with an extreme DUI if you are driving or in actual physical control of a vehicle with a BAC at or above .15 but below .20. The penalties for an extreme DUI include:

  • 30 to 180 days in jail
  • Up to 5 years of probation
  • Substantial fines and fees
  • 90-day driver’s license suspension
  • 12-month ignition interlock device requirement
  • Alcohol treatment classes
  • 8 points on your driving record
  • Traffic Survival School
  • Community Service/Restitution

El Mirage Super Extreme DUI Penalties

Super extreme DUI charges may be filed if a person is driving or in actual physical control of a vehicle with a BAC at or above .20. The penalties for a super extreme DUI include:

  • 45 to 180 days in jail
  • Up to 5 years of probation
  • Substantial fines and fees
  • 90-day driver’s license suspension
  • 18-month ignition interlock device requirement
  • Alcohol treatment classes
  • 8 points on your driving record
  • Traffic Survival School
  • Community Service/Restitution

Why Hire A DUI Defense Lawyer For Your Charges in El Mirage

DUI arrests are unfortunately a common occurrence in El Mirage. Fear of the unknown leaves many people wondering how to start picking up the pieces with a license suspension and court date approaching. In cases where police only take a blood sample, it may take months before charges are submitted. We know that a DUI arrest is stressful, that’s why we offer free consultations and initial case evaluations so that we can answer your questions and help you determine the best course of action based on the specific circumstances of your case.

Available 24/7 – Contact a Full Service DUI Defense Law Firm Today

Not every DUI arrest must lead to a conviction. The attorneys at the Rosenstein Law Group have years of experience fighting for the rights of the accused. We strive to provide the highest quality of legal representation to get you the best possible result. Our aggressive, comprehensive approach to DUI defense has led to numerous dismissals, acquittals and reduced charges. Even in cases where a conviction seems inevitable, we may be able to negotiate reduced penalties including alternatives to extended jail sentences, like work release or home detention. If you are facing DUI charges in El Mirage, contact the Rosenstein Law Group at 480-248-7666 or online to set up a free consultation today.


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