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Getting pulled over for a traffic violation can ruin your day. Speeding tickets are issued all across Arizona, with many people taking advantage of an online defensive driving course to clear their record. However, there are some traffic violations in Arizona that are considered criminal misdemeanor charges. Even seemingly minor traffic violations can lead to points on your license, driver’s license suspensions and increased insurance rates. In extreme circumstances, you could receive a sentence involving jail or probation.

If you are cited in El Mirage with a misdemeanor traffic violation, before you simply plead guilty and pay the fine, contact an attorney at the Rosenstein law group at 480-248-7666 or online for a free consultation. We can explain the potential ramifications of pleading guilty and help you navigate the court system to obtain the best possible result, which may involve reduced or dismissed charges.

Reckless Driving Charges in El Mirage

Any person who drives a vehicle in reckless disregard for the safety of persons or property may be charged with Reckless Driving. This is a misdemeanor offense in Arizona. It is typically a class 2 misdemeanor, which could be punished by up to 4 months in jail, 2 years of probation, and a fine of $750 plus surcharges. Reckless Driving can also be charged as a class 1 misdemeanor in certain circumstances where a person has a prior conviction in the previous 24 months for Reckless Driving, DUI, Racing, or Negligent Homicide or Manslaughter involving a vehicle. If charged as a class 1 misdemeanor, a person may face a minimum of 20 days in jail (180 days maximum), up to 3 years of probation and $2,500 fine plus surcharges.

Other consequences may include a suspension of your driver’s license and 8 points on your driving record, which will require attendance of an in-person Traffic Survival School. A Reckless Driving conviction will also significantly increase your car insurance rates.

El Mirage Criminal Speed Offense

Criminal Speed, also called Excessive Speed, is a misdemeanor offense that can lead to jail, probation, fines, points on your license, and increased insurance rates. We most often see these cases on the US60/Grand Avenue or in school zones in El Mirage. This violation can create issues if you are seeking employment that will require you to drive as a part of your work duties. Many companies look for people with clean driving records because the cost to insure company vehicles can be astronomical if an employee has any offenses on their record.

Criminal Speed is a class 3 misdemeanor, which carries a potential sentence of up to 30 days jail, 1 year of probation and up to a $500 fine. Criminal Speed is also a 3-point moving violation.

Criminal or Excessive Speed can be charged in three different circumstances:

  1. Exceeding 35 miles per hour approaching a school crossing.
  2. Exceeding the posted speed limit in a business or residential district by more than 20 miles per hour, or if no speed limit is posted, exceeding 45 mile per hour.
  3. Exceeding 85 miles per hour in other locations not listed above.

Aggressive Driving Offense

Aggressive Driving is an offense that can have significant penalties. This violation is categorized in the highest level of misdemeanors in Arizona, a class 1 misdemeanor, which is the same level as most DUI charges. Aggressive Driving can carry a penalty of up to 180 days in jail, 3 years of probation, and a $2,500 fine. It will also add 8 points to your driving record, requiring you to attend Traffic Survival School, and it may trigger a license suspension.

Aggressive Driving is charged if during a single, continuous period of driving, a person’s driving is an immediate hazard to another person or vehicle, the person is speeding, and the person commits at least two of the following violations:

  1. Failure to obey a traffic control device.
  2. Overtaking and passing another vehicle on the right by driving off the pavement or main traveled portion of the roadway.
  3. Unsafe lane change
  4. Following a vehicle too closely
  5. Failing to yield the right-of-way

Driving on a Suspended License Violation

A person cannot operate a vehicle on any roadway in Arizona if their privilege to drive a vehicle is suspended, revoked, canceled, refused, or if they are disqualified from driving. Everyone knows that you need a license to drive a vehicle in Arizona. What many people are unaware of is that driving on a suspended license is a class 1 misdemeanor, which can lead to up to 180 days in jail, 3 years of probation, and a $2,500 fine.

Speak with an El Mirage Traffic Attorney Today

It is recommended that you speak with an experienced attorney before trying to handle a criminal traffic violation on your own. For many of these criminal offenses, a court will not appoint a public defender to represent you. Because of this, many people don’t know what to do when they walk into court and are unable to successfully challenge the state’s evidence to obtain a favorable result. At the Rosenstein Law Group, we deal with judges and prosecutors in the criminal courts every day. Our years of experience in the courtroom allow us to make sure that our clients are protected and that they receive the best possible outcome in their case. We will fight to keep your driving record clean. Contact the Rosenstein Law Group at 480-248-7666 or online for a free consultation to see how we can help with your El Mirage traffic ticket.


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