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Some are familiar with the term “catch all” or “umbrella” when it comes to criminal charges. Catch all crimes are exactly what they sound like, they are crimes that the legislature has created to give law enforcement the latitude to make an arrest and charge an individual for conduct that otherwise is not a specific crime—but maybe ought to be illegal. Disorderly conduct is exactly this type of crime. In fact, disorderly conduct is characterized as “offenses against public order” in the Arizona statutes. These terms are vague and oftentimes leave citizens guessing as to what conduct is illegal under the law.

Classification of Disorderly Conduct Charges out of Gilbert

To better understand the criminal charge of disorderly conduct, it is best to break it up into two categories (1) class 6 felony misdemeanor charges, and (2) class 1 misdemeanor disorderly conduct charges. Class 6 felony misdemeanor charges are straightforward in comparison. This crime is charged when a person “[r]ecklessly handles, displays or discharges a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument.” Now, the term “dangerous instrument” is considered by some to be broad. According to the Arizona criminal code, dangerous instrument is defined as “anything that under the circumstances in which it is used, attempted to be used or threatened to be used is readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury.” This can cover a lot depending on the circumstances.

Class 1 misdemeanor criminal charges on the other hand, is much more far-reaching. Some of the most common reasons that our office sees disorderly conduct charged is for:

  • Fighting or provoking a fight
  • Being “unreasonably” noisy
  • Yelling or cussing at another person
  • Ignoring police officers when they ask a person to leave a crowded area

Why You Need to Hire A Defense Lawyer For your Disorderly Conduct Charges

Disorderly conduct is also often charged as a domestic violence charge, which we cover in another section of our informational content. Essentially, disorderly conduct can be charged for any type of disturbing the peace of the community around you. Just because you are charged with disorderly conduct charges in Gilbert does not necessarily mean that you will be convicted of disorderly conduct charges in Gilbert.

Successfully Defensing Against Gilbert Disorderly Conduct Charges

Having an experienced defense attorney look over your case can make a huge difference in the outcome of your case. That’s why Rosenstein Law Group has agreed to take an initial look at your case for no charge. Contact us online here or call (480) 248-7666 to schedule a time to sit down with an experienced disorderly conduct defense lawyer today. One of our knowledgeable and effect Gilbert defense lawyers will sit with you to discuss the specifics of your particular case so that we can help you make an educated decision on how best to move forward.


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