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We generally think of manslaughter and assault or aggravated assault as crimes that are committed against an individual with a deadly weapon such as a gun or knife. It is true that a deadly weapon is required as an element, however in the state of Arizona, a vehicle may be considered as a deadly weapon for the purposes of this criminal charge. The penalties for conviction of this crime can be very serious, and when alcohol is involved then the penalties for conviction are even more severe.

If you have been charged with vehicular assault or manslaughter in the Gilbert area or elsewhere in Arizona, call Rosenstein Law Group at 480-248-7666 for a free consultation.

DUI Accident Charges in Arizona

Vehicular manslaughter occurs when an individual is killed in an accident due to the negligence of another, and aggravated assault can occur if an individual is injured in an accident due to the negligence of another. Conviction of these criminal charges can result in very serious penalties. These crimes are generally charged as misdemeanors, however if alcohol is involved then you could be charged with a felony. The penalties for conviction of a felony in this case will incur a seven- to 21-year prison sentence as well as other penalties.

How Can We Help You?

At Rosenstein Law Group we offer skillful and experienced legal assistance for our clients. If you have been charged with a DUI crime in Arizona then you will greatly benefit from the legal assistance of an attorney at firm. We will be able to answer your questions regarding your case, discuss your available options with you, advise you of the best legal action to take. If you choose to work with us, we will provide you with skillful and experienced representation to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome in court.

Free Case Evaluation — Contact Our Lawyers

Contact our firm today for legal assistance in your case.


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