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If you have been charged with drug possession or alcohol possession in Maricopa or elsewhere in Arizona, and you are under the age of 21 then you can face serious penalties for conviction. According to ARS §4-244(9) it is illegal for an individual under the age of 21 to have spirituous liquor in their possession. This is not a felony crime; therefore a juvenile who is charged with this crime will be tried in juvenile court. If your child faces charges of illegal possession of alcohol then you will greatly benefit from the legal assistance of a representative from Rosenstein Law Group.

The penalties for conviction of possession of alcohol while under 21 include up to $2,500 in fines and up to six months in jail. In addition, you will incur a Class 1 misdemeanor criminal record for life. Possession of less than two pounds of marijuana is a Class 6 felony for conviction and carries penalties of six to 18 months in prison and fines up to $150,000. As you can see, the penalties for conviction of this crime are extremely harsh, and it is vitally important that you have skilled and experienced representation on your side.

How Can We Help You?

Our firm is dedicated to the skillful and aggressive representation of our clients. If you are charged with possession of drugs or alcohol under the age of 18 then you will face serious penalties if you are convicted, our firm will work vigorously and tirelessly to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome of your case in court if you choose to employ our skillful services. Our attorneys have the experience you need on your side. We have a history of success and many satisfied clients whom we have represented in the past.

Call Us Today for a Free Consultation

Contact our firm today to discuss your charges and your options with a lawyer. We have offices in Mesa, Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe and Gilbert to serve you.


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