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Drivers who have been charged with DUI for the first time in Mesa or anywhere in southern Arizona are encouraged to contact Rosenstein Law Group as soon as possible. Since this is your first alleged offense, you have a golden opportunity to preserve your good record and your good name. Do not assume that a DUI arrest is a rite of passage that many people go through, and that therefore, you should simply accept the penalties and move on.

Nothing could be further from the truth. It behooves you to do anything and everything in your power to prevent the DUI charges from becoming a conviction, with numerous short-term and long-term consequences, including the following:

  • Loss of your driving privileges
  • Jail time
  • Fines and penalties
  • Increased insurance rates
  • A criminal record on the books indefinitely
  • Problems now or in the future related to jobs, housing, loan applications, security clearances, professional licenses and other areas of life
  • Other, as yet unforeseen negative consequences

Call 480-248-7666 today to learn how we can help you avoid the worst consequences of a DUI arrest.

Don’t Let a DUI Ruin Your Life

We understand that you want to stay out of jail, keep your driving privileges and protect your clean record after a first-time DUI arrest. This law firm is focused on accomplishing those goals for as many clients as we can — and we very often succeed.

Arizona is known for its harsh drunk driving laws. We consider it part of our law firm’s mission to inform people of their rights — even before a drunk driving arrest, if possible. But we understand that you have most likely arrived at this Web page because you face first-time DUI charges. Rest assured that we are prepared to take action immediately.

  • We can help you request an administrative hearing before the Arizona MVD within 30 days, in order to preserve your rights and not automatically receive a 90-day suspension of your driver’s license.
  • We are geared to help you prepare for an aggressive defense at your criminal arraignment. We may negotiate with the prosecutor before your court date and succeed in getting your charges reduced or your case dismissed. We have many proven-effective strategies by which to pursue a favorable outcome on your behalf.

Contact a Mesa Drunk Driving Charges Lawyer

An experienced Mesa first-offense DUI lawyer is critical if you hope for a good outcome in your case. Do not expect that a plea bargain with a prosecutor is an option. Aggressive defense strategies aimed at getting evidence dismissed is very often the best path to take after a first-time DUI arrest in Mesa, Scottsdale or anywhere in Arizona.

Call us at 480-248-7666 or email us to speak to a DUI attorney and get the help you need!


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