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If you are charged with the crime of driving under the influence of impairing substances in violation of ARS §28-1381(A) then you could face serious penalties upon conviction. It is vitally important that you have skillful representation that will be able to aggressively defend you against any and all evidence and will fight for your rights, your goals and desires regarding the outcome of your case.

A Mesa DUI attorney from Rosenstein Law Group will be able to provide you with this representation. We can assist you in all of the following ways:

Arizona DUI Laws
The laws concerning Arizona DUI are found in ARS §28-1381, and they basically state that it is illegal for an individual to drive or be in control of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or impairing drugs and medications.

Drunk Driving Penalties
The penalties for drunk driving are found in ARS §28-1381(I) and they consist of jail time, fines, surcharges, probation, driver’s license suspension, installation of an ignition interlock device and many other penalties.

DUI and Drugs
According to ARS §28-1381, an individual who is driving while any traceable amount of alcohol or impairing drug or medication is found in their system can be charged with DUI.

DUI With Injury
If you are charged with DUI with injury then you could face felony charges. It is a serious matter when an individual is driving while drunk and they cause an accident that results in the injury or death of another individual.

Felony DUI
There are many different ways to be charged with felony DUI, also called aggravated DUI in Arizona. One common way for this to occur is to be convicted of a third DUI within a seven-year period.

First-Time DUI
The penalties for a first DUI conviction may include a 10-day jail sentence, however at the judge’s discretion, all but 24 hours of this jail sentence may be waved in lieu of attendance in alcohol screening, education or treatment program as ordered by the court.

Under 21 DUI
Arizona has a no tolerance law in place, which means that you can be charged with underage DUI if you are under the age of 21 and you are found to be driving with any traceable amount of alcohol in your system, BAC of .01 percent or higher.

Vehicular Manslaughter
Vehicles can be considered deadly weapons in the case of an accident where alcohol is involved, thereby applying manslaughter and assault laws to this situation. The penalties for conviction are often a felony record and extensive prison sentences among others.

If you are charged with the crime of DUI then it is vitally important for you to retain our skillful legal assistance. Our firm has been serving the residents of Mesa, Arizona, for many years with a long history of success in the cases we handle and many satisfied clients whom we have represented in the past.

Free Case Evaluation — Contact a Lawyer

Contact our firm today for legal assistance, and we will be able to put our collective knowledge and experience to work for you in your case.

We represent clients throughout Arizona from offices in Mesa, Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe and Gilbert.


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