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If you have been arrested or charged with a DUI or other crime in the Payson, Arizona, you likely have a lot of questions and concerns about what you may be facing and the steps you will need to take to protect your rights. Depending on the severity of the offense, a conviction may lead to prison, jail time, probation, fines and loss of driving privileges. Rosenstein Law Group provides smart and aggressive defense to DUI and criminal charges out of Payson including but not limited to:

At Rosenstein Law Group, we have handled 1000’s of DUI and criminal cases for clients. Our law firm has Certified Criminal and DUI Law Specialists part of the team. Call 480-248-7666 for your free Payson DUI case evaluation.

Payson Courts Overview

If you are charged with a crime in Payson, your case may be filed in the Payson Regional Justice Court, Payson Magistrate Court or the Gila County Superior Court, depending on the arresting police agency and type of crime. Felony cases are filed in the Gila County Superior Court. Misdemeanor and traffic cases are filed in the Payson Regional Justice Court and Payson Magistrate Court. Payson is patrolled by the Payson Police Department, Gila County Sheriff’s Office and the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

The Payson Magistrate Court and Payson Regional Justice Court is located at 714 S. Beeline Highway, Suite #103, Payson, AZ 85541. The Gila County Superior Court is located at 714 S. Beeline Highway, Suite # 104, Payson, AZ 85541.

Payson DUI Defense Lawyer

How Payson DUI & Criminal Offenses are Charged

Many criminal cases filed in Payson begin with a simple traffic stop on State Route 87 (the Beeline Highway) or State Route 260. A traffic stop can lead to more serious criminal charges like DUI or drug possession. Law enforcement officers and prosecutors in Payson also pursue charges for domestic violence incidents very frequently. In fact, domestic violence is the most charged violent crime in Payson. Gila County’s rate of domestic violence is double the domestic violence rate in any other county in Arizona, so these charges are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in Payson.

The Gila County Sheriff’s Office, Arizona Department of Public Safety, and Payson Police Department also participate in the Gila County Drug, Gang and Violent Crimes Task Force. This task force is funded by hundreds of thousands of dollars of grant money to target drug, gang and violent crimes. However, recent data shows that the overwhelming majority of arrests made as a part of this task force are drug related, rather than gang and violent crime related.

Consequences of Payson Criminal Charges

Drug, domestic violence and DUI convictions in Payson can lead to serious consequences which, depending on the charge, may include prison, jail, probation, fines, loss of your driver’s license, loss of your right to possess firearms and a permanent criminal record.

Contact an Experienced Payson DUI Defense Attorney Today

If you are arrested or charged with a crime in Payson, Arizona, hiring an experienced attorney is the first step you should take to make sure that your rights are protected. A Payson criminal defense attorney will challenge the state’s evidence to ensure that you receive the best possible outcome in your case.

The Rosenstein Law Group offers free consultations by phone or one of the many video conferencing platforms available in addition to in person office appointments now available for Payson DUI and criminal cases. Call us 24/7 at 480-248-7666 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation.