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Arizona’s DUI laws give law enforcement agents a great deal of leeway in determining whether a driver was operating a car or truck under the influence of alcohol or drugs. You may have arrived at this Web page because you were arrested for DUI, although you had not consumed any alcohol. Police allege that you were operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of some other mind-altering substance.

We Represents Drivers Charged With Drug-Related DUIs

After you have been arrested for a drug-related DUI, the steps you take in the next few days may be critical to recovering your driving privileges and determining your legal status. Will you end up with a criminal record as well as losing your driver’s license? Take action right away for the best results.

Call (480) 452-1028 to speak with a Phoenix DUI lawyer with extensive experience handling cases like yours. Rosenstein Law Group has a successful track record defending clients who have been accused of drug-related DUI in Arizona. Clients come to our Scottsdale-based law offices from communities including Phoenix and elsewhere in Arizona.

Can the Phoenix Prosecutor Prove the Case Against You?

Were you charged for driving under the influence of a drug such as the following?

  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Ecstasy
  • Prescription narcotics: OxyContin, hydrocodone, Vicodin or Percocet
  • Other prescription drugs that could affect your ability to operate the car, including sedatives

You may have consumed a drug such as these a long time ago — and trace amounts were detected in your bloodstream when you submitted to chemical tests at the time of the arrest. Perhaps you did not knowingly take any drugs — but now you must contest the charges versus the prosecutor who is working with police-gathered “evidence.”

Whereas the state is engaged in the “war on drugs,” rights of the accused still apply, even in a drug-related DUI situation. Rosenstein Law Group will not allow our clients’ rights to be violated.

Phoenix Drugs and DUI Attorney Offers Aggressive Defense

Aggressive strategies in DUI defense are standard procedure at Rosenstein Law Group. Our clients’ legal opponents soon learn that we are more than willing to take a case to trial. Any unfounded allegations, inadmissible evidence or violation of clients’ civil rights will come to light when our drug-related DUI defense lawyer represents the accused.

Contact a Phoenix Drug-Related DUI Lawyer

When drugs are named in DUI charges, contact the Rosenstein Law Group. Your initial consultation and preliminary case analysis with an attorney are free. Learn how best to protect your rights and your future after a drug-related DUI arrest.


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