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Time is of the essence after a DUI arrest. Even a first-time offense in Arizona may result in jail time, prison time, probation, three-month license suspension, ignition interlock on your car, alcohol treatment or counseling, and high fines. In the long run, you may face other negative consequences such as problems obtaining employment, keeping professional licenses, getting security clearance and dealing with increased insurance rates.

With aggressive defense, however, you may succeed in keeping your driving privileges, getting your charges reduced, getting evidence thrown out and even getting your case dismissed altogether. A first-time DUI arrest still offers the potential of keeping a clean record if your lawyer succeeds in getting your case dismissed or getting your charges reduced — for example, to reckless driving or some other traffic violation.

The sooner you contact an experienced DUI attorney in Phoenix, the greater opportunities you will have to achieve a favorable outcome after a first-time DUI arrest in Phoenix or anywhere in Arizona. Phoenix first-offense DUI lawyers at the Rosenstein Law Group work attentively and aggressively at every level throughout a DUI case:

  • To keep our clients informed of their rights
  • To help protect our clients’ rights
  • To examine all evidence in detail
  • To evaluate whether police were justified in pulling over a driver in the first place
  • To scrutinize every detail of field sobriety tests and chemical tests used by law enforcement as evidence of drunk driving

In the days immediately following your DUI arrest in Phoenix, we are prepared to take action to help you keep your driving privileges and challenge the arrest as aggressively as we can. Our law offices are located in Phoenix. We work with clients throughout the Phoenix metro area and beyond.

First of all, we will help you request a license suspension hearing before the Arizona Motor Vehicle Division within 30 days to prevent a 90-day suspension of your driver’s license.

In addition, we will help you prepare for the court arraignment in the criminal component of your DUI arrest:

  • By examining evidence
  • By negotiating with prosecutors
  • In some cases, by recommending that you submit to alcohol assessment or treatment to demonstrate proactive good faith on your part

Request a Free Consultation With a Phoenix First-Offense DUI Lawyer

Phoenix area defense attorney Craig Rosenstein is prepared to advise you on how to make the best decisions most likely to result in a favorable outcome after you have been arrested for DUI anywhere in southern Arizona. Our clients include military personnel from Luke Air Force Base and Arizona State University students.

Call us today at (480) 452-1028 or contact us online for a free consultation. From our main offices in Phoenix, we represent clients throughout Arizona.


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