If you have been arrested for a DUI in Tempe, your license will automatically be suspended for 90 days unless you request an MVD hearing to challenge the suspension. The MVD is not part of your criminal case. It is a separate matter that is only concerned with the status of your driving privileges following a DUI arrest. Even if the charges in your DUI case were to be dismissed, it is still possible for you to lose your driving privileges.

The loss of your right to drive can impact your life in many different ways. Getting to and from work or school, driving your children to sports or other activities, and keeping up with other obligations can all become much more difficult if you are not able to drive. At Rosenstein Law Group, we represent clients throughout the Tempe area and across Arizona in license suspension hearings.

You Must Request a License Suspension Hearing Within 15 Days of Your Arrest

You only have 30 days from the date of your arrest to request your MVD hearing. This deadline is strictly enforced, and no extensions are offered. It is imperative that you contact one of our offices immediately so that we can request your hearing and begin preparing your case. We work to ensure that all deadlines are met and that you have the best possible chance to preserve your driving privileges.

A Dedicated Tempe Lawyer Protecting Your Driving Privileges

The best way to ensure that you do not miss opportunities to protect your rights after a DUI arrest in Tempe — or anywhere in Arizona — is to work with an experienced and effective DUI defense attorney. Rosenstein Law Group aggressively represents Arizona drivers who have been charged with drunk driving in Tempe and elsewhere. A complete DUI defense begins with a timely and well-planned driver’s license suspension hearing.

Contact a Tempe Driver’s License Suspended Attorney

Our Tempe DUI defense law firm serves clients from throughout southern Arizona, including out-of-state drivers charged with DUI in Tempe, Scottsdale and other locations across Arizona. We will fight to protect your rights and work to help you keep your driving privileges. Call us today at 480-248-7666 to schedule a free initial consultation.


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