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Drug-Related DUI out of Tucson

Whether it’s referred to as DWI or DUI – driving while under the influence of drugs carries the same prohibitive penalties as driving under the influence of alcohol. Arizona law is clear about people driving while impaired due to any cause. The repercussions of a Drug DUI conviction in the Tucson Municipal Court can include a suspended driver license, substance abuse screening and classes, monetary fines among the highest for any misdemeanor charge, and mandatory time in jail.

The attorneys at the Rosenstein Law Group have the experience, knowledge, skill, and courtroom presence to negotiate successfully or fight for the best possible result in Tucson. Our attorneys can communicate directly with the City Prosecutor litigating your case, and present the best defense to the state, thereby increasing the likelihood of an out of court favorable result. Our attorneys have the experience to challenge the state’s chemical results if the case must be resolved in court – just because a drug was “reported” to be in your blood – that does not mean you cannot challenge their result. There is no reason to delay; the best defense starts early. Call today for a free consultation with an attorney at (480) 248-7666.

Types of Drug-Related DUI Charges out of the City of Tucson

Drugs other than alcohol may be cited as the offending controlled substance in your DUI charges out of Tucson, including but not limited to:

  • Marijuana even if you have a medical marijuana card
  • Prescription drugs in your blood may make you as culpable as illegal narcotics
  • Illicit drugs are otherwise known as street drugs such as Cocaine, Ecstasy and other controlled substances

Experienced DUI Defense Lawyer for Tucson Drug-Related DUI Charges

Are you or someone you know facings charges of driving while impaired (DUI/DWI) in Tucson because of alleged use of marijuana, controlled substances such cocaine or Ecstasy, or prescription narcotics (illegally or legally obtained)? According to Arizona DUI laws, any amount of drugs in your bloodstream may serve for grounds of conviction even if your consumption of them was long in the past. There is no reason to delay; the best defense starts early. Call today for a free consultation with an attorney at the Rosenstein Law Group and begin feeling better by understanding the multitude of questions swirling in your mind. Call (480) 248-7666 today or visit us online for answers.

Illicit Drug (e.g., Street Drugs) DUI in Tucson

Whether it’s referred to as DWI or DUI – driving while under the influence of drugs carries the same prohibitive penalties as driving under the influence of alcohol. The repercussions of an illicit drug DUI conviction in the Tucson Municipal Court can include a suspended driver license, substance abuse screening and classes, monetary fines among the highest for any misdemeanor charge, and mandatory time in jail.

Illicit drug DUIs are some of the most challenging cases to defend. The prosecutor has two possible ways to get a conviction. First, if you are driving with any controlled substance metabolite (e.g., marijuana (without a medical marijuana card), methamphetamine, LSD, heroin, cocaine) in your system, a court could find you guilty of DUI merely due to its presence in your blood.

Second, if there is a controlled substance metabolite found in your blood, and the state can show that you were driving and impaired to the slightest degree, then you could be found guilty of an illicit drug DUI.

DUI Attorney for Illicit Drug DUI in Tucson

The attorneys at the Rosenstein Law Group have the experience, knowledge, skill, and courtroom presence to negotiate successfully or fight for the best possible result in Tucson. Our attorneys can communicate directly with the City Prosecutor litigating your case, and present the best defense to the state, thereby increasing the likelihood of an out of court favorable result. Our attorneys have the experience to challenge the state’s chemical results if the case must be resolved in court – just because an illicit drug was “reported” to be in your blood – that does not mean you cannot challenge their result. Do not hesitate to call; the best defense starts early, so call the Rosenstein Law Group today at (480) 248-7666, or make a request online, for your free consultation. As your attorney, the Rosenstein Law Group will be by your side, and you will not go it alone. Call today and get the team of attorneys at the Rosenstein Law Group on your side.


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