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Tucson Prescription Drug DUI Defense Lawyer

Prescription drug DUI arrests and charges are not uncommon in Arizona, and not unusual for the City of Tucson. For most people, this fact comes as a shock – because – the person arrested and charged was merely following their doctor’s advice (prescription). A prescribed drug DUI carries with it the same mandatory penalties from the court, such as temporary loss of your driver’s license, mandatory minimum fines, and even time in jail.

  • If your doctor has prescribed any drug that may impair your abilities, such as Percocet, codeine, oxycodone, gabapentin, or clonazepam, to name some of the most commonly prescribed drugs that can impair one’s ability to drive a car, you can still face criminal charges.
  • Your prescription does not necessarily defend you against such charges if you are “impaired to the slightest degree,” which is why you should call the Rosenstein Law Group today. It will be up to one of the knowledgeable, skilled, and persistent defense attorneys here at RLG to effectively demonstrate the point – you were not impaired.

There are defenses DUI prescription drug charges, and the attorneys at the Rosenstein Law Group have worked on countless cases defending and negotiating with prosecutors, and currently are successfully managing cases that are pending in the Tucson Municipal Court.

Experienced Tucson Defense Attorney for DUI Prescription Drug Case

Have you been charged with DUI for taking your prescription drug(s) as your doctor advised? Let the trial-tested and DUI prescription drug experienced attorneys at the Rosenstein Law Group help you defend your case. Rosenstein Law Group attorneys have the experience, skill, and understanding to drive the point home with prosecutors and juries that you were not impaired. We utilize our skills and employ expert witnesses, to achieve the best possible result for your case. The best defense starts early – call today – upon consulting with an attorney at the Rosenstein Law Group, you will begin to get the answers to many of the troubling questions brought about by this situation. Call (480) 248-7666 or make a request online for a free initial consultation today.


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