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By far, DUI related charges are the misdemeanor charges that our office sees the most. Next to that, we see urinating in public charges. This crime can be charged under the Arizona criminal code as misdemeanor charges. Further, depending on whether or not an individual’s genitalia was exposed to other people or not, very serious charges could be involved.

While urinating in a sheltered and withdrawn area may not seem like a very big deal, public urination is prohibited in many city codes.

Arizona Urinating in Public Laws

While in some cases you may be only charged with criminal nuisance for urinating in public, charges have the potential to be escalated to indecent exposure which could be felony charges if it is determined that your genitals were exposed to another individual. If the crime is charged as a sex crime, it could leave a heavy and permanent stain on an individual’s reputation and come with very serious punishments.

Charged with Urinating in Public?

Urinating in public could be charged in many ways in Arizona and could lead to a variety of charges depending on the situation. If you are charged with charges arising from conduct associated with urinating in public, it is imperative that you call a practiced criminal defense attorney to discuss your specific situation with and decide whether or not you will benefit from legal representation. At Rosenstein Law Group, we have dealt with many situations arising from charges associated with urinating in public and are well suited to help navigate your next steps. Call us at (480) 248-7666.


Urinating in Public Offense Scottsdale

Scottsdale Police Department officers frequently arrest people for Urinating in Public in the city of Scottsdale, leading to prosecution in the Scottsdale Municipal Court.  Urinating in Public is prohibited by Scottsdale City Code Section 19-19.

Since the city of Scottsdale is particularly known to be aggressively enforcing this law, the penalty for this violation is a Class 1 Misdemeanor. A Class one misdemeanor carries a:

  • maximum penalty of up to 6 months in jail,
  • fine of up to $2,500, and
  • up to 3 years of probation.

A violation of Scottsdale City Code Section, 19-19 for Urinating in Public, carries a minimum fine of $150.

Urinating in Public Offense Tempe

If an individual is in the usual circumstance where they have to go very badly and find a dark and secluded place to relive themselves, but a Tempe police office catches them in the act, they will likely face penalties associated with a petty offense. The Tempe City Code Sec. 22-13 prohibits urinating in or upon any public property.  Unlike most other municipal codes, the Tempe City Code makes urinating in public a petty offense.  A petty offense is still a crime, but one which is punishable only by a fine. The maximum fine for a violation of this offense is $300. As it could probably be imagined, arrests for this offense are mostly found in the bar district, Mill Avenue. It’s important to remember that any urinating offense is serious and can be damaging to you. It’s best to go over the specifics of your case for no charge to determine if you will need representation moving forward— (480) 248-7666.

Urinating in Public Offense in Mesa

The Mesa City Code treats urinating in public as a class 1 misdemeanor.

While in some cases you may be only charged with criminal nuisance for urinating in public, charges have the potential to be escalated to indecent exposure which could be felony charges if it is determined that your genitals were exposed to another individual. If the crime is charged as a sex crime, it could leave a heavy and permanent stain on an individual’s reputation and come with very serious punishments.

Urinating in public could be charged in many ways in Mesa and could lead to a variety of charges depending on the situation. If you are charged with charges arising from conduct associated with urinating in public, it is imperative that you call a practiced criminal defense attorney to discuss your specific situation with and decide whether or not you will benefit from legal representation.

Urinating in Public Offense in Chandler

Chandler City Code Section 11-5 strictly prohibits urinating on any public sidewalks, any open path, road, roadway or highway, or in any public place of the park, which is easily visible or readily accessible from a public thoroughfare or public conveyance. Urinating in public in Chandler is a class 1 misdemeanor. If you are charged with Urinating in Public in Chandler, contact Rosenstein Law Group today at (480) 248-7666.

Find out more on urinating in public charges in Chandler here.

Urinating in Public Offense in Gilbert

While urinating in public can be charged under Arizona State Statutory Law, the Town of Gilbert has prohibited the action in its municipal code Section 42-146. The Gilbert Municipal Code does not provide for probation as a penalty pursuant to Gilbert Municipal Code Sec 1-5.

Find out more on urinating in public charges in Gilbert here.

Urinating in Public Offense in Tucson

In the Tucson City Court, charges for urinating in public stem from the city’s criminal code at Sec. 11-54 making it illegal to urinate in a public place or any place exposed to public view. If you are charged with Urinating in Public in Tucson, contact Rosenstein Law Group today at (480) 248-7666.

Find out more on urinating in public charges in Tucson here.

Urinating in Public Offense in Other Arizona Towns and Cities

Most cities and towns in Arizona have some sort of law in their city codes prohibiting Urinating in Public.  If they do not, then may still face criminal prosecution for similar offenses like Disorderly Conduct.  Apart from the punishments discussed above, any criminal offense can have an effect on your life, especially when applying for employment or schooling. For this reason, it may be worth working with an Arizona criminal defense lawyer to fight your charges. A charge is not the same as a conviction, but it is imperative to seek representation from the very beginning.

Free Consultation for Your Arizona Urinating in Public Offense

Contact Rosenstein Law Group today for a free case evaluation. Let our experienced Arizona criminal defense attorneys build your best defense. The legal system is not designed for self-service. Contact our office today online here or by calling (480) 248-7666 let us work for you!


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